Monday, 13 February 2017
METOX (Like Detox but 'me'... Get it?! lol)
Well, well, well... it sure has been a hot minute.
As I haven't blogged in forever so it seemed to make sense to update you. Serious deja vu happening here because I'm always having to 'update' you when I haven't blogged in a while.
If you're a regular reader of my blog posts (when I do post that is...) you'll know that about six months ago I started my first teaching job in a school for pupils with severe learning difficulties. Whilst I still am LOVING it, there's no doubt it's incredibly challenging and draining. With most of my time spent either at work or keeping on top of paperwork when I'm at home, I find that looking after myself gets pushed to the end of the 'To Do' list.
After an amazing Christmas break the thought of going back to the daily slog of werk werk werk werk werk werk was horrifying. That was when I thought enough is enough and decided to take action.
Throughout the past month or so I've been really making an effort to try and look after myself more and I don't just mean that in terms of doing a hair mask to try and pamper myself. I'm talking mind, body and spirit kind of magic here.
Before I can properly switch off I know that I have to get all of the things on my mind down onto paper. For me personally making lists of what I need to do means I don't need to store the information in my head as well as not having to stress that I'll forget.
I also had to accept that putting my phone down would be the only way I would be able to properly relax. The thought of a digital detox gives me the sweats but somehow if I put my phone onto airplane mode I can pretend that I've just had no messages come through and I can then spend time on other things.
I've been doing a lot of reading recently which is so good for taking your mind off things and escaping to a completely different place for a while; sometimes this is exactly what's needed to re-balance your mindset.
Whilst reading is something that completely chills me out, I have to be in the right environment to be able to concentrate and my room really wasn't cutting it. After coming back from uni my room felt less like a sanctuary and more like a clutter-ary. Cue an expensive trip to IKEA and I'm now the proud owner of glossy white furniture which is an absolute dream.
Having a place to relax is so so important for taking care of your mind. Now I've revamped my room I really feel like I have a place to be calm. Now you don't necessarily need to buy new furniture to be calm, even lighting a scented candle can make all the difference.
Having somewhere that makes you feel chilled eases your mind, making you more inclined to pamper yourself. It's all linked together - taking care of your mind = taking care of your body. Caring for yourself is really about looking after all the elements of you.
Basically what I'm trying to say is that it's so important to take time out for yourself, no matter how busy your day to day life is. And of course, take time to do your nails because your life will never be a total mess if your nails are on fleek.
Much love,
S x
Sarah Elizabeth
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